Place Value Project

In my class we work on place value in the fall. My grade 2s do 2-digit and my grade 3s do 3-digit. We examine the value of each position, the expanded form, representation in words and representation in base ten blocks. To show their learning, I always like to do a final project.

My grade 2s must choose a number between 10 and 99 (they are allowed to do a 3-digit number if they wish) and my grade 3s must choose a number between 101 and 999.

Next they work on a project to show all the different ways of representing their number. Over the years I’ve tried a few systems including a flip book and a brochure. While those were fine projects, they meant way more teacher prep. This year I decided to make it much easier and I created a one-page project.

  • Put the number in the middle as the title.

  • Write the number in words.

  • Give the number of centaines, dizaines & unités (hundreds, tens & ones) and then the expanded form.

  • Show the number in base ten blocks.

  • Write equations that equal your number. Depending on your students’ level you can decide how many and which kind of equations are necessary.

I use a simple criteria sheet when I’m marking the projects.


Fraction Peacock Math & Art Project