3D Spring Flower Cards for Mother’s Day

These are such cute flower cards that could be used for Mother’s Day/special woman in my life or just as a spring card. It is a paper only project, no messy painting!

Time required: 30-40 minutes


  • Construction paper - lots of different colours for card

  • Construction paper strips - lots of colours for petals

  • Construction paper squares - various colours for the middle of the flower

  • Green construction paper (1/4 sheet per student) - stem and leaves

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Pencil

  • Markers/pens etc for extra decoration and message inside card

  • Hole punch*

*optional - some students wanted to add dots to their flowers so they used a single hole punch to make some little dots

Teacher prep:

  • Pre-cut strips of paper for petals. I suggest using a paper cutter to make strips along the long edge of the paper. Then cut those strips again in half.

  • Pre-cut some squares of paper for the middles. I give my students a small piece rather than letting them just go at whole sheets.


  • Each student needs to select 6-8 strips for their petals. It will depend how spread out they put their petals.

  • Cut out the circle for the middle.

  • Fold each strip of paper and glue the ends together, leaving it puffy (not folded completely, just the ends touching).

  • Glue each petal to the centre piece.

  • Once all petals are attached, put the flower to the side and make the stem and leaves with the green paper. Glue these to the card.

  • Once the stem and leaves are attached, flip over the flower and put glue on the side where all the strips overlap. Flip it over and glue it to the stem.

  • Write a message inside the card!

More spring projects


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